SSR: Debugging

I provided some means of debugging for level designers and for my self.
Log file is created each time you run ssr.exe or ssrserver.exe, these files will contain information about what happened. One also can switch on "console" output in ssr.ini file in the section [log]

If log can not help you to see what is wrong, and you want to help me to find out what went wrong you may use debug.dump file. To enable dump file you should supply a file name to the ssr.exe like: "ssr.exe bad.dump", to play what is stored in this file you should run ssr like this: "ssr.exe bad.dump 1". One says to play saved data. If it reproduces the error, then you could send this file to me (do not forget to zip it) and I will try to find out what was wrong.

I hope you did not read till this point :)
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